World peace ...
only through sharing

Between 1977 and 1982, Maitreya telepathically communicated fragments of His teachings to Benjamin Creme at Creme's regular public meetings in London. A recurrent theme was the need to end the suffering of millions of people who go hungry or starve in our world, which actually has a surplus of food. This imbalance is one of the primary reasons why Maitreya returns at this time.

"How" Maitreya asks, "can you be content with the modes within which you now live: when millions starve and die in squalor; when the rich parade their wealth before the poor; when each man is his neighbor's enemy; when no man trusts his brother? For how long must you live thus my friends? For how long can you support this degradation?"

Since that message was given in 1979, we have been shocked by the horror of recurring famine in Africa and the ongoing misery in other nations. Gradually we have come to recognize that world hunger is unnecessary--as well as immoral--since it is due not to a lack of food or food production capabilities, but to the social, political and economic injustices that produce poverty. It is the poor who go hungry, whether in a `developed' or `developing' nation, and both domestic and international institutions maintain and exacerbate that poverty. Thus the gap between rich and poor grows ever wider; it now represents the single greatest threat to world peace.

Among the attitudes that keep these institutions in place is complacency. Maitreya calls complacency the root of all evil in the world. It leads both individuals and institutions "to become estranged from the realities of life," and it prevents us from finding effective solutions to our problems. "Complacency is ultimatelyself-destructive, and whole societies can be destroyed by it."

Maitreya makes clear that we can, if we choose, change our ways and put an end to hunger and to the monumental array of man-made crises we now face:

"The problems of mankind are real but solvable. The solution lies within your grasp. Take your brother's need as the measure for your action and solve the problems of the world. There is no other course."

When we begin to follow this advice and institute the principle of sharing, peoples and nations will begin to trust one another; once there is trust, there will be justice; and once there is justice for all, we will have a genuine and lasting peace.

"Without sharing there can be no justice; without justice there can be no peace; without peace there can be no future."

"When He comes at the close of this century and makes His power felt He will come as the Teacher of Love and Unity, and the keynote He will strike will be regeneration through love poured forth on all...

"It is a fallacy to believe, as some do, that the main trend of Christ's work will be through the medium of the churches or the world religions...He will use all available channels whereby the consciousness of man may be enlarged and right orientation be brought about...the churches are but one of the teaching avenues He will employ...

"It is light and--above all else--"life more abundantly" which Christ will bring, and until He brings it we know not what it signifies; we cannot realise the revelation which this will entail and the new possibilities which will open up before us. But through Him, light and life are on their way, to be interpreted and applied in terms of goodwill and of right human relations. (The Master DK)

Avatars Down the Ages

Eyewitness report of Maitreya in Nairobi

Signs & Miracles (links to most known miracles)          

Share International (the source of this information)

Who is Maitreya?

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As a non-profit, educational, private initiative the website, while very grateful for their Great Work, is not affiliated with the Theosophical Society, Lucis Trust, Alice Bailey, the Tibetan, Agni  Yogi Foundation, Helena Roerich, H.P. Blavatsky, George Adamski, Benjamin Creme, Share International, Peter Liefhebber, Sai Baba, Bette Stockbauer,  or Howard Ray Carey. Quoted texts are the intellectual property of the copyright holders. For the latest news on the emergence of Maitreya & the Masters of Wisdom, see the SI web site: