The Tibetan on Sharing
by Aart Jurriaanse

One of the fundamental principles which Djwhal Khul (D.K.) repeatedly stressed in his writings was that man should learn to share freely the many gifts with which he has so liberally been endowed during his physical life on Earth. These teachings of D.K., so competently recorded by his amanuensis Alice A. Bailey between the years 1919-1949, must be regarded as of a preparatory nature and one of the measures specially designed for smoothing the way for the "reappearance" of the Christ.

Man's Selfishness

Man is inherently inclined to be a selfish being. Objectively regarded and taking into account his background and past history, this is only to be expected. Over the ages he has evolved from a primitive state where he literally had to fight for his daily survival. With the passing of time and changing circumstances, human races have come and gone, and although man's course of development has been characterised by many fluctuations, including some notable relapses, certain races have nevertheless succeeded in raising themselves to cultural levels far exceeding those which ruled some millions of years ago. But even though life in modern civilized communities might be considered relatively safe and well protected, the quality of selfishness with regard to many aspects of personal well being, remains one of man's prominent features. The question may now arise whether this rather unsavoury quality should be ascribed to the ruling economic and social competition to which he is constantly being subjected at all levels, or must the existing competitive spirit rather be seen as an expression of his inherent selfishness?

To whatever conclusion this rather contentious question may lead, there seems to be little doubt that in the more enlightened circles of modern communal life there exists a growing tendency towards a freer expression of altruism and selflessness. This is probably due to an increasing awareness that the human being forms an integral part, not only of his immediate family, community or race, but of humanity as a whole. There is also the growing realisation that this larger unit, including its many subordinate components, remains in a constant state of evolution towards some higher objective. If this goal is to be attained without undue delay, then the responsibility rests upon each of the constituent elements, no matter how apparently insignificant, to contribute not only his fair share, but actually the utmost of which he is capable to promote improved human relationships.

The one comprehensive factor on which better human relations must inevitably be founded, is that of the divinely inspired Energy of Love. This energy however finds expression in many ways, and is the motivating power behind such qualities as goodwill, under- standing, kindness, forgiveness, sacrifice and also the urge to serve and to share.

For present purposes let us concentrate on this impulse to share which is spontaneously becoming noticeable in many organisations and communities throughout the world. This sharing is certainly not limited to the material benefits with which man has been blessed and which in many respects have become essentials of existence. The opportunities of sharing are to be encountered on practically every terrain of living. Thus sharing the joys of life with others merely serves to multiply these joys, whereas the sharing of one's miseries with relations or sympathetic friends as a rule helps to mitigate such pain.

Once the joys of unselfish sharing have been tested it works infectiously, until the stage is reached where the aspirant feels a yearning to share everything over which he disposes with his fellow men. When this point in development is attained, it becomes important however that such a server should retain a proper sense of balance, and when he must see to it that his giving is attended by discernment and sagacity. Injudicious and often purely emotional sharing may under certain conditions do the recipient more harm than good, if the latter is not yet ready to appreciate or to correctly utilise that which is being proffered.

Judicious Sharing

First of all it should be clearly recognised that the rewards of life are of various nature, and may be physical, emotional, mental or spiritual. The value attached to these phases will largely be determined by ruling circumstances and the stage of development that has been achieved. For the less advanced the criterion of riches will of course be the possession of money and worldly goods for ensuring the emotional and physical comforts and delights which can be acquired through such means. At a somewhat higher level of development a steady change in values will, however, occur, with man progressively attaching less intrinsic value to the material elements, rather giving precedence to the more subjective mental values. With the reaching of an even more advanced phase, interest in the physical, emotional and mental worlds will again be largely superseded by that which is spiritual, merely giving sufficient attention to the material spheres to ensure maintaining the physical instrument in a reasonable state of health and comfort.

It will be found that although great pleasure may be derived from sharing that which is material or emotional, this will even be exceeded once mental and spiritual attainments can be shared with fellow men. In this respect a word of warning should however be sounded if serious disappointment is to be avoided. If often happens that after persistent effort the aspirant is rewarded with some of the deeper verities. of life. Thrilled with his new discoveries he wishes to share this newly acquired light with those who are near and dear to him, only to find that in many instances his associates have not yet reached the stage where these more elevated truths can be recognised and appreciated for what they are. His new found concepts may consequently be slighted or even repudiated with disdain.

Sharing Prosperity

But let us revert to the question of sharing the products of Western prosperity with members of the Third World. In principle this objective is admirable, but great care will have to be taken in its implementation.

To begin with, of what does this prosperity consist? A moment's consideration will bring the realisation that ample money and goods are merely the emblem or product of a flourishing economic and social existence, which in turn is founded on sustained effort and hard work applied with intelligence and judgement to the basic ingredients composing the natural environment. The secret lies in the adaption of the existing gifts of nature, consisting of the minerals, the soil, climate, plant and animal life to man's best advantage, giving due attention to coordination and thereby assuring that in these processes a minimum of destruction and waste will be entailed. To obtain maximum results from the available constituents of nature, will require the effective application of accumulated knowledge and suitable techniques, combined with a relatively high degree of intelligence.

It will be found that many of the backward countries are amply provided with the natural facilities of soil and climate to produce all their own needs of food. In addition the basic minerals are often also accessible on which a flourishing industry could be founded. As a rule, however, they lack fundamental education and knowledge.

Many of these countries have only recently acquired political independence, and owing to inexperience often coupled with mental immaturity, they are still in the throes of learning how the intricacies of technology administration and government should be effectively handled.

The primary need of these nations is proper education and technical training, and this is where the more advanced countries could play their part by sharing available knowledge and also by providing better opportunities for self-development.

World conditions are so complex that one must be careful of generalisations. Owing to a combination of unfortunate circum- stances there are today large numbers of human beings who annually die of hunger and distress -- lives that could so easily have been saved by the timely and effective diversion of some of the world's surplus food stores, combined with elementary forms of protection and hygienic facilities. These are the instances where those who can afford it should step in to provide the necessary help for keeping these poor people alive and also to ameliorate their circumstances in an effort to raise them, not only physically but also emotionally and mentally from the plight to which they have sunk. The time has arrived when in this world of ours nobody should any longer be allowed to die of hunger and exposure, no matter what his social position or functions. It is shameful that such assistance should still only too often remain subject to political intrigues and manipulation.

Natural Resources

Finally there remains the question of the equitable sharing between the nations of the world of the natural resources so liberally granted to mankind. Irrational and biassed distribution of such resources has in the past already led to endless wars, and this is bound to continue unless satisfactory solutions can be found. Fortunately, international organisations are increasingly awakening to the danger of these problems. As an example, it can be mentioned that particular attention is being accorded these days to the dormant wealth which still lies hidden in the oceans, especially with regard to its growing potential as a rich source of various minerals, which in value promises far to exceed that of its well known fish resources. These matters are already receiving attention, but it is to be hoped that in future better progress can be made with the removal of several stumbling blocks which so far have proved insurmountable during the course of international discussions.

The main trouble seems to be the intractable attitude adopted by several countries who wish to ensure the retention of major shares in these transactions. As long as these discussions are characterized by a spirit of national greed and competition, instead of cooperation and a willingness to share these benefits fairly and proportionally on behalf of humanity as a whole, there seems to be little prospect of a satisfactory solution.

So much more could be written about the principle of sharing, but what it all really amounts to is that if man wishes to share to the full in the prospective benefits of the New Age, on the threshold of which we are now standing, he will have to overcome a great deal of his inherent greed and selfishness, and will have to approach life and relationships with fellow men in an ever growing spirit of goodwill, altruism, tolerance and loving understanding. Such a spirit will then inevitably come to expression not only as a willingness, but also as an eagerness to share all the physical, emotional and mental advantages that life may have in store for him. From this attitude there will furthermore arise an irresistible urge to share all spiritual knowledge and rewards which will steadily accrue to the dedicated contributor.

Aart Jurriaanse, a South African author and esotericist, has written a number of compilations from the books of Alice A. Bailey and is the author Bridges and Of Life and Other Worlds, a commentary on these teachings.

"It is light and--above all else--"life more abundantly" which Christ will bring, and until He brings it we know not what it signifies; we cannot realise the revelation which this will entail and the new possibilities which will open up before us. But through Him, light and life are on their way, to be interpreted and applied in terms of goodwill and of right human relations.

"[His] reappearance will knit & bind together all men & women of goodwill throughout the world, irrespective of religion or nationality..." (The Master DK)



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